Video and Independent Work!!!

This round of Technology and Multimedia is a little bit different. Since round 4, Cindy, our facilitator, told us to collect some of the videos and photos from our break to make something cool. So, we follow what she said and we used those materials to make a video by using Adobe Premiere Pro. My video is about my vacation at Bokor Mountain, Kampot province and at the beach, Koh Kong province. I filmed a video underwater! Here is the link to my video. However, it is not a really good one because it’s my first time trying this.

After finishing the video, we reviewed all of the things that we had learned this year. I can’t believe we’ve learned a lot! This is the list of what we had learned:

  • Research skills
  • Adobe tools: Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign
  • Computational Thinking
  • What is digital storytelling?
  • Photography basics
  • Videography basics
  • Python syntax
  • If/Else statements
  • For loops
  • While loops
  • Code Club: Rock Paper Scissors, Modern Art, Team Chooser, etc.
  • Adobe Premiere

After making the video, we were independent to choose a topic from the things that we want to learn more about and choose a small project to improve our skill by finding our own material to help us learn. The goal of doing this is to catch up, develop our skill and explore our own interest.

I chose Photoshop because that’s what I’m interested in. I photoshopped a transparent egg. I only used two photos to make that one egg and those photos are a flying bubble and an egg yolk. It is easy if you know how to do it. You can just cut the egg yolk out and place it in the middle of the bubble. Now the bubble is round, let’s make the bubble into the egg shape. You might see the shadow in the bubble, so what you have to do is change the kind of layer into Multiple layer for both the bubble and the egg. See? It is finished. My another product is me diving with a dolphin. You need a picture of the ocean with the dolphin jumping, then you can just cut the photo of yourself diving into the water or the picture that you are about to touch the surface of the water. After that, you can add a png water splash picture somewhere around your legs to make it looks a bit more realistic. Below are the products that I’ve made. It’s not a very good one, but I’m glad to share it with you.

Actually, I don’t feel like this photoshop is easy at all, but thank you so much to the resources that helped me went through this very well. I really enjoyed doing this project because I can show people about what I can do, even though, it’s not that great. Do you want to try Photoshop now?


Round 4 of Multimedia

In multimedia class, we study about python coding just like the last round, but this round is much more fun because we got to practice our lesson by coding games. We also learn some new content such as function, list, list length, etc. Cindy, our multimedia facilitator, introduced us a new website that we can practice our skill. Not only that, the website is also where we have to do our assignment. The website is called Code Club Projects. There are many projects that you can do there. Plus, the website provides you with code instructions and fun challenges section that might interest you. One of our assignment is called Team Chooser. It is like a machine to randomly put people in teams. In government school, I never did something like that, so I feel very fortunate and grateful to do that assignment. Click here to try out the project. We also did a Code Club Independent Reflection. In that reflection, we have to choose one of the Code Club project. Those are –

Turtle Race!:

Secret Messages:

Colorful Creations:


Where is the Space Station?:

The project that I choose is Turtle race. It is really to code that game. In the game, there are a few turtles that will have to race. I didn’t code for which turtle to get to the line first. I code it randomly, so it’s depend on your luck.

Coding is still a hard topic for me, but I believe that one day, it will be easy for me.


Round 3 Of The Year

In this round 3 of the year, we learn lots of new things in Multimedia class. We always have assignment after learning something new to practice and know more about it. All of the Multimedia classes uses to do our assignments. Let me tell you about all of the stuff that we had learned.

  1. The first thing that we had learned is Boolean and it is a data type that can have value True or False. Example: “cat” is not “dog”. This is True because cats and dogs are different.
  2. The second thing that we had learned is Comparison. It is the same as math like to compare numbers, but the writing is a bit different and it look like this-
  • a == b (Equals)
  • a != b (Not Equals)
  • a < b (Less than)
  • a <= b (Less than or equal to)
  • a > b (Greater than)
  • a >= b (Greater than or equal to)
  1. The third thing that we had learned is the If Statement. We use it to make something happen if the code is the True condition. Example:
  2. a = 100
  3. b = 200
  4. if b < a:
  5.     Print “b is greater than a”
  6. The Fourth things that we had learned is indentation. It is the action of indenting or the state of being indented. It is important because if you put it in the wrong place, the code will be error. One of the right indentation is up there on the last example and this is the wrong indentation:
  7. a = 100
  8. b = 200
  9. if b < a:
  10. Print “b is greater than a”
  11. The fifth thing that we had learned is the Elif statement which is a statement with a condition contain value of neither True or False and it follow the If Statement. Example:
  12. a = 100
  13. b = 200
  14. if b < a:
  15.     Print “b is smaller than a”
  16. Elif b > a:
  17.     Print “b is greater than a”
  18. The sixth thing that we had learned is the Else statement and it is the similar to the Elif statement, just a little different that Else statement has no condition. Example:
  19. a = 100
  20. b = 200
  21. if b < a:
  22.     Print “b is smaller than a”
  23. Elif b == a:
  24.     Print “b is equal to a”
  25. Else:
  26.     Print “b is not smaller or equal to a”
  27. The seventh thing that we had learn is the AND, OR, NOT. We don’t just use it anytime that we want or else the code will be error. This is the table that my teacher, Cindy had made for us to understand it more clearly and I will share it with you because it is not easy for me to explain it to you. If you don’t understand it, this is the new topic that you have do study on your own. Sorry!
Example X and Y X or Y Not X
Explanation True only if both X and Y are true True if either X or Y is true Flips the value of X
  1. The eighth thing that we had learned is the For loop. We use it to perform some actions a fixed number of times. Example:
  2. fruits = [‘banana’, ‘apple’,  ‘mango’]
    for fruit in fruits:       
      print ‘Current fruit :’, fruit
  3. The output will be
  4. Current fruit : banana
    Current fruit : apple
    Current fruit : mango
  5. The ninth thing that we had learned is the Break statement. We use this to stop the code when once the condition is true. Example:
  6. fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”]
  7. for x in fruits:
  8.  print(x)
  9.  if x == “banana”:
  10.    break
  11. The output will be
  12. Apple
  13. Banana
  14. It is will stop at the banana because the condition is true and we have to break(stop).
  15. The tenth thing that we had learned is the Continue statement. It is the similar to the Break statement, but it is use to skip something when the condition is true. Example:
  16. fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”]
  17. for x in fruits:
  18.  print(x)
  19.  if x == “banana”:
  20.    continue
  21. The output will be
  22. Apple
  23. Cherry because the condition is true, so it’s going to skip the banana.
  24. The eleventh thing that we had learned is the range function and we use it to count number.  Example:
  25. for x in range(5):
  26.  print(x)
  27. The output will be
  28. 0
  29. 1
  30. 2
  31. 3
  32. 4 because it tells to count up to five number and most computer start counting from 0. So, to tell the program to start counting from any number, we have to add something. Example:
  33. for x in range(2, 5):
  34.  print(x)
  35. The output will be
  36. 2
  37. 3
  38. 4.
  39. The twelfth thing that we had learned is the While loop and we use it to perform something while something is happening. It will repeat forever until the condition become True. Example:
  40. count = 0
    while (count < 9):
      print ‘The count is:’, count
      count = count + 1
  41. The thirteenth thing that we had learned is Infinite Loop and it will the code to go forever because there’s no condition. Example:
  42. i = 1
  43. while i < 6:
  44.  print(i)
  45. The output will just be
  46. 1
  47. 1
  48. 1
  49. 1
  50. 1
  51. 1
  52. 1
  53. 1
  54. 1
  55. 1 forever because there is no condition, but if there is any condition it will become the While loop.
  56. That’s all the thing that we had learned. I hope you heard something new. Thank You!

Multimedia Round2

In round 2 of the years, in Multimedia class, we were learning about digital storytelling. What is it then? It is a form of telling stories using media. We also learn about what makes a story. For me, to make a good story, you just have to think of interesting ideas and describe the scene in an interesting way, so that your story can attract people easily and don’t let the story die before you. Example, the world war 1 or 2. Everybody knows what it is, right? Those wars are history and it can also be called story. Lots of people in world war 1 and 2 are already dead by now, but their stories are still living in people heart. We even learn about story structure by following the Pixar story structure. This is how the Pixar story structure looks like.

  1. Once upon a time, there was ____
  2. Every day ____
  3. One day ____
  4. Because of that ____
  5. Because of that ____
  6. Until finally ____

After we look at a few examples, we practice it by trying to write our own stories. This is the story that I had written.

Once upon a time, there was a ghost who always make people run without turning back on the street. Every day, she always opened her mouth widely. Because of that, people run away and she thought she scared them. Because of that, She felt proud and continued to do that every day. Until finally, people came around to tell her to stop opening up her mouth because it is very smelly and they all handed her with a toothbrush and a toothpaste.


We also learn about photography. So, the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor is called Exposure. The three things that affect the exposure are Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO. The higher the shutter speed is, the fastest you can capture photos. For Aperture, the lower you set it to be, the blurrier is the background of the photos. For ISO, the higher it is, the more sensitive the camera is to light, so the photo is brighter with high ISO. In photography, we also learn about the camera type shots. There are long shots, full shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, low angle, high angle and bird’s eyes view, eye level, dutch angle or tilt and over the shoulder.

  1. Long shot: You can see the full view of something and it is mostly used to capture landscape such as a mountain along with a forest.
  2. Full shot: A shot that shows subject fully from head to toe(case of a person).
  3. Medium shot: camera angle shot from a medium distance to show directly what is someone doing.
  4. Close up: a type of shot that tightly frames a person or object.
  5. Extreme close up: Shots that get right in and show extreme detail.
  6. Low angle: Photography that has taken from the lower area such as when you stand from the ground to take a picture of something above you.
  7. High angle: The meaning is opposite to low angle.
  8. Bird’s eye view: a general view from above.
  9. Eye level: shot with the level of the eyes looking straight ahead.
  10. Dutch angle or tilt: the picture that was shot in tilt angle.
  11. Over the shoulder: a shot of someone or something was taken from the perspective or camera angle from the shoulder of another person.

That’s it for this round. I hope you learn at least something today.



This term in Multimedia class(August to October), we learn how to do research to get the information that we want because as you know, sometimes, it is not very easy to do the research. Well, it’s because there are so many pieces of information on Google.

Also, my teacher(Cindy), brought up a topic about Adobe Software. She picked some of the students who know how to use Abode Software very well to explain the instruction on how to use some of the apps such as Photoshop, Lightroom and InDesign to some other students in the class. I am not very good at those kinds of stuff, so I am trying to catch up with them and try to have questions to ask my friends and teacher. After knowing some of it, Cindy, my teacher assigned us homework that required us to us adobe Software to do it and also using our Internet Safety skills to do research about what we want to make. Badly, I get out of the topic and then do a poster about something else. I didn’t finish the whole requirement because my laptop can’t use some of the Adobe apps. I also don’t know how to use some of the stuff in the app. Well, below is the poster that I make and it doesn’t really connect to what my teacher really want me to do.