Khmer Essential

In this term, August to October, my Khmer Essential class that is lead by teacher Sokha was doing some Khmer Poems writing. There are so many types of poem that we can write about such as Six Words poem, Seven Words poem, Eight Words poem and many more. The category of my poem is Promeahk kit. It is a poem with four lines a stanza. Also, the first and the third line has must have five sounds. For the second and last line, it must have six sounds. If you continue with another stanza, your second line must rime the last line in the last stanza. The title of my Poem is ‘Good Student, Good Kid, Good Person’. The poem tells how to behave at school and at home. Also, the poem tells to share the knowledge with other people when they need it and it tells to use the knowledge in the good way. Here is my poem-


ក្មេងល្អ សិស្សល្អ មនុស្សល្អ



ចង់ក្លាយជាសិស្សល្អ                                                             ត្រូវត្រដរខិតខំរៀន

តួរលេខពេញក្តារខៀន                                                         គួរខំរៀនកុំមើលគេ។

គ្រូហៅឱ្យឡើងអាន                                                              ត្រូវក្លាហានកុំអៀនខ្វេរ

អានតែមួយភ្លែតទេ                                                                គ្រូមិនជេរមិនថាឡើយ។

ធ្វើជាក្មេងគំរូ                                                                         កុំរអ៊ូរកុំនៅតើយ

ធ្វើកិច្ចការឱ្យហើយ                                                         ម៉ាក់ឃើញហើយមុខស្រស់ថ្លា។

សម្អាតខ្លួនឱ្យល្អ                                                                    មុនបន្តទៅសាលា

រួចចាំលាម៉ាក់ប៉ា                                                                    កូនទៅសាលារៀនហើយ។

មុនពេលទៅសាលា                                                               ចង់ប្រាប់ថាកុំភ្លេចឡើយ

កាតាបរៀបឱ្យហើយ                                                              កុំធ្វើឈ្លើយដាក់ម៉ែឪ។

ដល់ខ្លោងធ្វារសាលា                                                              មុខស្រស់ថ្លារកុំក្រញ៉ូវ

ចេះគិតឱ្យត្រឹមត្រូវ                                                                  រួចចូលទៅរៀនអក្ខរា។

សិស្សល្អត្រូវស្តាប់ម៉ែ                                                               សិស្សគំរួកុំជួកម៉ារ

ឧស្សាហ៍ធ្វើកិច្ចការ                                                                  ទើបប្រាថ្នាសម្រេចបាន។

ខំប្រឹងរៀនឱ្យឆ្លាត                                                                   រួចសង្វាតឱ្យចំណាន

តទៅអ្នកអាចបាន                                                                   ងារធំថានសាស្ត្រាចារ្យ។

បានការងារធំហើយ                                                                កុំភ្លេចឡើយបាអាចារ្យ

លុះត្រារតែមានផ្ការ                                                                  ទើបវាហារចេញផ្លែបាន។

មាតានិងបិតា                                                                          ត្រូវគិតថាលោកធំថាន

ធ្វើការមិនស្រាកស្រាន                                                             មិនសម្រានដោយសារកូន។

ទនេរពីការងារ                                                                         គួរនាំគ្នាជាបងប្អូន

ផ្ទះម៉ែមិនស្ងាត់សូន្យ                                                                 ព្រោះតែកូនបានមកលេង។

ចំណេះឡើងគគោក                                                                 ចែកមួយផ្នែកឱ្យក្មេង

ជាគុណដ៏ធំធេង                                                                       ដែលក្មេងៗបានទទួល។

ប្រើវាក្នុងផ្លូវល្អ                                                                          ចិត្តស្មោះសរកុំប្រែប្រួល

នោះអ្នករត់មិនដួល                                                                 បាច់ផ្ការមួយមិនបាក់ទង។

អ្នកដែលចិត្តអាក្រក់                                                                  អ្នកកុហកនឹងសៅហ្មង

អ្នកនោះអាចភ្លាត់ភ្លង                                                                ធ្វើឱ្យពងមាន់បែកបាន។

បើពងនោះបែកហើយ                                                    ទោះឈប់ឈ្លើយហើយឱនប្រាណ

ពងនោះផ្សាលេងបាន                                                               គេនឹងច្រានពងក្រៅខ្លាំ។

បើអ្នកធ្វើល្អវិញ                                                                         មិនទន្ទិញក៏គេចាំ

ឈ្មោះអ្នកគេចំណាំ                                                                    ទោះឈ្មោះប្រាំក៏ចាំចេះ។

ស្លាប់បិទភ្នែកជិតហើយ                                                           ផ្តល់អស់ហើយគ្រប់ចំណេះ

ខ្ញុំមិនដែលចេះខ្មេះ                                                                    អ្នកនឹងចេះបើទទួល។


Teacher Sokha said that all of the poems must be educated poem, not poems about love and other nonsense stuff. The reason for writing Khmer poems is to make books with the collection of all the poems that we had written. We will sell some of the books so that people read our poems and know about some poem that they never heard of before. Just like our senior, they already finish their book with the collection of many poems. The books were sold to many people. We away said that we must have a better book than our senior to show back the power of junior.

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