Mental Illness

Throughout this round, we were studying to understand more about literary devices such as anthropomorphism, oxymoron, paradox and many more, but the main topic that we focus on is mental illness. 

During the lesson, we were trying to empathy those with the sickness as well as understanding more about the stigma and how it impacts the patients’ daily life. All through the unit, we had learned that people with mental illness tend to keep the burden to themselves due to their fear of the stigma. They were afraid of stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination. Keeping to themselves is no help at all. All it does is ruining their entire lives and worsen their condition. Despite this issue, some people with sickness don’t know that they are sick. Those people would decide their own sickness and meet the wrong helpers. 

To understand more about this topic, we’ve been reading articles and stories. Most of our stories are by a famous author, Edgar Elan Poe. Since the stories are written in the last century, words are a little hard to understand. However, we studied the new vocabulary and get through the story. We read two of his stories and it was shockingly amazing to me. His story gives me a really vivid imagination. I believe I can see all of the things that he wants to convey to the audience. Mr. Poe wrote the story in the villain perspective which is a very creative idea because in reality, people tend to judge others, especially bad guys without knowing them and this can also be a way to understand more about the villains since most of the stories are from heroes perspective. 

My favorite story is The Tell-Tale Heart. It is a dark story with a mystery. It was the story of a man who murdered another old man just because he hates the old man’s eyes. After murdering the man, the villain cleaned the mess and unfortunately, two officers came to visit him because they heard the sound of a shriek coming from that house. The villain was showing the officers around and creating excuses to answer the police very perfectly. The mystery was that he heard the old man’s heartbeat, but the man was dead, wasn’t he? The villain couldn’t bear listening to the heartbeat, so he confessed that he murdered the old man. 

The heartbeat was the mystery. To solve the mystery, we conclude that hearing the heartbeat shows that the villain has guilts and is mentally sick. The man is deceased, so by hearing his heartbeat, the villain might have schizophrenia. We also conclude that the murderer is mentally sick due to his strange activities such as watching over people when they sleep every day and killing people just because of hating their eyes. 

Despite reading stories and articles, we also did some research about mental illness disorders such as bipolar, depression, anxiety and more. Besides that, we have noticed that Cambodia is a country with not a lot of mentalists and therapists. Instead of mental illness, Cambodians see it as possession and many more kinds of spiritual beliefs. Now that we have studied and understood a lot about mental illness, I hope to share the knowledge with those around me and at least create a small change in people’s perspective in Cambodia about the topic.

Liger Second Yearbook

Well, by just looking at the title, you already know what I’m going to write about. Yes, I am a member of the Liger Yearbook Team. The main goal is to write a fun yearbook. 

How are we going to do that? Well, there are so many sections in a book, so we have to divide roles. The main thing about Yearbook is Pictures. There must be lots and lots of pictures in a yearbook. We also have to gather information about each of the sections and some little descriptions. 

Another thing that we shouldn’t forget about yearbook is a theme. We have to choose a specific theme, so that we can have a proper layout. The Liger Yearbook member decided to pick a theme based on​ the majority of people’s choice. The theme for this 2019-2020 yearbook is Our Journey. To me, it represents what we’ve been through for all these years, those memories that have with each other and how far we’ve succeed. 

My role in the team is to collect baby photos from the new staff and junior. I also have to do some pages about sport competition and our senior seminars. It was a little bit challenging at first because I was new to Adobe Indesign, but the more I practice it, the more I get familiar with it. 

Although it’s the end of the round, our yearbook staff are still continuing our work on personal time and every Wednesday afternoon because we might not have enough time to finish our book since we don’t have that many members. 

Creating years book is really fun and exciting. We can look back and photos from years ago. We can see how people change and we can see how people grow. Throughout this exploration, not only that I was having fun, but I was also learning a new skill. By using this new skill, I hope it can help the yearbook-team to bring people back in time, to explore their memories and to enjoy it.  

Khmer’s Children Literature

Khmer Children’s Literature exploration’s goal is to write six story books for kids, and each one of them represent one of Liger’s Core Value. Those core values are Determination, Integrity, Ingenuity, Appreciation, Optimism, and Stewardship. We’re also aiming to learn about the benefits of reading and being read to at a young age. We also hope to spread the knowledge to Cambodian parents and children. The last goal of the exploration is to get creative with our writing and designing skills. 

Reading and being read to at a young age create such a big impact to babies and kids. It helps to get their interest in literature, expand their imaginations, and develop their creativity. Reading and being read to at a young age also helps the children to understand the language, and the keyword that would benefit them for their further education. Usually, parents are busy, so reading can also be a good way to build and sustain parents and children’s relationship.

My partner and I are working on writing a story that is related to the Integrity Core Value. We are writing for children ages 5 to 7. I can write a story, but I have no talent in art. Fortunately, my partner’s interest is art, and I found out that it is one of his talents. We divided our team into two categories, writer and artist. I don’t want to destroy my partner’s art, so I write, translate the story into khmer, and check everything to make sure that it is a good text. 

I first had the idea of writing a story to educate kids in a scary way, but then my partner and facilitator mentioned, that it is not really okay because we want kids to have fun throughout reading, so I ended up writing a story that is scary, but in a funny way. After finishing everything, including writing, translating and checking through, I felt so useless by the fact that I couldn’t help my partner with anything. He was doing watercolor painting. All I could do was nothing except sitting right there next to him and keep staring at his art and tried to talk a lot to keep him motivated. I also tried drawing, but it was very bad. 

Working with each other at first is never easy. I can say that we were too smart that we had our own good ideas and we were arguing. On the first few days, I didn’t talk much because I was mad of my partner. He would give out ideas and don’t really listen to mine, but then we tried to understand each other, tried to accept each other’s idea and we went along really well. That’s when I thought, No matter how good you are, without collaboration, it’s going to be difficult to succeed

Most of the authors are adults. This fact makes me feel really proud of myself and my classmates because we are writing books at a young age. I am glad that we are going to create an impact. No matter how small or big the impact is, I am proud because it is going to be something good that would change people’s perspective in my country.

Covalent Bond

Covalent Bond is a type of chemical bonding that atom either share or transfer electron with each other. It is the attraction that holds both atoms that share a pair of electron. Covalent only form between the atom of non metal. The share electrons are attracted to the nuclei of both atom. The cause of this bond is due to the reason that they give atoms a more stable arrangement of electrons. For instance, look at the Hydrogen. It only has one electron atom. Once it shares the electron with another hydrogen, they will have two electron atom. The shared electrons are attracted to both hydrogen nuclei. This force of attraction holds the two atoms together as a molecule of hydrogen. There are two types of covalent bond.

The first type is called polar covalent. This type of bond forms electrons are not shared equally between the two atoms. Let’s look at the example of water compound(H20). The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly because its nucleus has more positively charged protons. As a result, the oxygen atom becomes slightly negative in charge. The hydrogen atoms attract the electrons less strongly. They become slightly positive in charge. It’s like when you are working hard in a team, you are tired, but your teammate is lazy and only produce little energy, so your partner is not really tired.

The second type of covalent bond is called non polar bond. It forms when both atom gets electrons shared equally.

Khmer Essential Round 2



ក្នុងភាសាខ្មែរយើង ភ្ជុំឬពំឈុមមានន័យថា”កិច្ចប្រជុំឬការជួបជុំគ្នា” ហើយចំណែកឯ បិណ្ឌមានន័យថា

“ពំនូតបាយ” បាយបិណ្ឌ គឺជា​បាយសម្រាប់អោយពួកប្រែត។ បាយបិណ្ឌគឺ បាយដំណើបជាមួយល្ង

ពូតចូលគ្នា។ ថ្ងៃភ្ជំបិណ្ជនេះ គេប្រារព្ធ​ឡើងចំនួន ១៥ថ្ងៃ។​ បុណ្យនេះ​​ គេចាប់ផ្ដើមឡើងនៅថ្ងៃ

១​រោច​ទៅដល់ ថ្ងៃ១៥រោច​ ខែភទ្របទជារៀង​រាល់ឆ្នាំ។ បុណ្យធំនៃភ្ជំុបិណ្ជគឺថ្ងៃទី ១៥រោចខែភទ្របទ។


នៅថ្ងៃភ្ជំបិណ្យ ប្រជាពលរដ្ធខ្មែរ តែងតែទៅវត្តដើម្បីបោះបាយបិណ្ជ និង​ ធ្វើបុណ្យឧទ្ទិសកសលដល់

ញាតិការរបស់ពួកគេដែលបានចែកឋានទៅ។ មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ពួកគេបានជួបជុំគ្រួសារនិងមិត្តភក្តិ

ហើយក៏បានទៅវត្ត ប្រគេនភេសជ្ជដល់ព្រះសង្ឃ និងដាក់វេនគ្នាយកចង្ហាន់ទៅវត្ត។ ប្រជាជនខ្មែរយើងក៏

បានជូនម្ហូបអាហារដល់អ្នកមានគុណ ឬព្រះរស់នៅស្ថិតនៅឯគេហដ្ឋានទៀតផង។ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋយើង ក៏បានរាប់បាត្រ ពូនភ្នំខ្សាច់ដើម្បីឧទ្ទិសកុសលដល់ញាតិការទាំង៧សណ្តានដែលបានចែកឋានដែរ។



នៅសម័យដើមគឺក្រោយពេល ដែលព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ផ្សាយចូលមកក្នុងប្រទេសខ្មែរ

យើងហើយនោះ ភិក្ខុសង្ឃបាននិមន្ត ទៅបិណ្ឌ បាតគ្រប់ច្រកល្ហករាល់ពេលវេលា ដោយមិនគិតថា ជារដូវវស្សា រដូវប្រាំង រដូវ ក្តៅ ឬរដូវរងាឡើយ ។

លុះដល់សម័យស្តេចសោយរាជ្យ គឺវង្ស ”ជ័យវរ្ម័ន”ព្រះអង្គមានព្រះទ័យជ្រះថ្លានឹងព្រះពុទ្ធ

សាសនាក៏បានឧបត្ថម្ភព្រះសង្ឃដែល បួសក្នុងព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ដោយបច្ច័យបួន មានចង្ហាន់

បិណ្ឌបាត្រ សេនាសណៈ ភេសជ្ជៈ និង ចីវរ ។ ក្រោយមកទៀត ព្រះអង្គទ្រង់ ឈ្វេងយល់ថា នៅរដូវវស្សាព្រះសង្ឃនិមន្តចេញទៅបិណ្ឌបាត្រ នោះជួបប្រទះនូវការលំបាក ខ្លាំងណាស់ដូចជា ភ្លៀង ផ្គរ រន្ទះ ខ្យល់ បក់បោកដែលបណ្តាលឱ្យព្រះសង្ឃអង្គខ្លះ ត្រូវដួលលើភក់ជ្រាំនោះ ក៏នាំឱ្យព្រះអង្គ

កើតព្រះទ័យសង្វេគផង ជ្រះថ្លាផង ហើយក៏បាន បវារណាដល់ព្រះសង្ឃក្នុងព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ឱ្យនិមន្តគង់នៅក្នុងវត្ត ហើយកុំនិមន្តចេញបិណ្ឌបាត្រឯណា ក្នុងរយៈពេល៣ខែ មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ព្រះអង្គក៏បានធ្វើជាព្រះរាជប្រកាសផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ឱ្យប្រជារាស្ត្រទាំងអស់ក្នុងព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ជួយឧបត្ថម្ភបច្ច័យ បួនដល់ព្រះសង្ឃ ក្នុងរយៈពេលនៃរដូវវស្សាកុំឱ្យព្រះសង្ឃនិមន្តបិណ្ឌបាត្រ

នៅខាងក្រៅទៀត។ ការអនុវត្តន៍បែបនេះ ចេះតែក្លាយ បន្តិចម្តងៗ ប្រជារាស្ត្រក៏ធ្វើតាម

ព្រះរាជារហូតមក គឺឱ្យតែដល់រដូវវស្សារយៈពេល៣ខែ ដោយគិតចាប់ពីថ្ងៃ ១ រោច ខែអាសាឍ ដល់ថ្ងៃពេញបូរមីខែអស្សុជមិនឱ្យព្រះសង្ឃទៅណាទេ (គឺនៅសម័យនោះ គេដាក់បិណ្ឌ

ក្នុងរយៈពេល៣ខែ តែក្រោយៗមកក៏សល់ រយៈពេលតិចទៅៗ រហូតមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះដោយ



Rate, Negative and Integer

Math in this round is amazing! I got to learn many new things such as Rate, Speed, Algebra, Negative numbers and Integers, and coordinate graph. Due to the reason that it is new to me, I don’t really get used to it yet, so I usually get work done a bit slow, but I don’t disappoint myself as long as I understand them.

My own definition for Rate is something per something. If you don’t understand, let me give you some examples, kilometer per liter, distance per hour. Speed is how fast something is. We also learn to know how to measure speed. By just hearing the topic, I already feel like I’m on top of the world. Can you imagine how cool you are to measure the speed of the bike or how fast it is in one hour while your brother or sister just start riding for 15 minutes? To find the speed of this bike, you can take the distance divided by the time to find one minute first. Then, take quotient to multiply by 60 to find the speed in an hour. If you are smart enough, you can just take the distance for 15 minutes to multiply by 4! If you want to find the distance, you take the speed to multiply by time and if you want to find the distance, you can just take the distance to divided by speed. It’s easy, isn’t it? (The intro is always easy, so don’t get tricked by the power of into!)

Do you know that 0 is not the smallest number in the universe? The numbers that are even smaller than 0 is called Negative Numbers. Negative numbers are also amazing and unlimited just like any other numbers! Integers are just normal, whole numbers with no decimals. Those integers are positive numbers. Usually, the positive sign would represent as +, but for integer, they don’t give any sign because it is just like normal number. To understand more about negative numbers and integer, let’s look at this example of mine. When you see a good person, you don’t even give out a word that he/she is a good person, right? But when you see a bad person, you just gossip and say That’s a bad person and that’s negative. People would not really say any positive things to each other. They just stay quiet, but they will immediately give you a negative sign if you do something wrong. The bigger, the negative number is, the smaller is its value. Mostly, we see people use negative for measuring the temperature. The temperature is colder if the number drops the value.


Independent Learning

As we grow up, we need to take many responsibilities in life and today, education is one of the biggest priority for me and some others too. This is a fact that l notice about education. We usually receive it when teachers give us lessons and give us homework or assignments, but have you ever think that independent study also teaches students to have a responsibility too? And that’s what we are doing English Essential Round 5.


This round is the most independent round in the Universe! The theme is called….Make the most of your learning! I feel like I am more mature because our facilitator makes us make our own schedule for our literacy studying, but!!!!! She still has something for us to finish. Those are How I Change Cambodia Essay, Must Read a Novel, make a vocabulary list out of it, prepare for the book review and more, more and more!. Fortunately, those things have a long due date or else, I don’t know. Oh yeah, about my novel study, I read Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. I’d love to share the summary with you too, but I figure out that I won’t because I want you to read it. Reading is great, don’t you know that? I’m really happy to finish my novel study because it’s one of my independent learning and as a result, I learn a lot from the book. The book is very inspirational. It is about how beautiful life is when we are with friends. Friends are always by each other side and they look after each other no matter what happens. Sometimes, life is in a messed up situation, but we shouldn’t give up on each other. That’s what friends are supposed to do.


Overall, Independent Learning gives students more experience. They learn to have more responsibility in their study because in the future there no responsibility that they need to take and this is only the beginning.

Video and Independent Work!!!

This round of Technology and Multimedia is a little bit different. Since round 4, Cindy, our facilitator, told us to collect some of the videos and photos from our break to make something cool. So, we follow what she said and we used those materials to make a video by using Adobe Premiere Pro. My video is about my vacation at Bokor Mountain, Kampot province and at the beach, Koh Kong province. I filmed a video underwater! Here is the link to my video. However, it is not a really good one because it’s my first time trying this.

After finishing the video, we reviewed all of the things that we had learned this year. I can’t believe we’ve learned a lot! This is the list of what we had learned:

  • Research skills
  • Adobe tools: Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign
  • Computational Thinking
  • What is digital storytelling?
  • Photography basics
  • Videography basics
  • Python syntax
  • If/Else statements
  • For loops
  • While loops
  • Code Club: Rock Paper Scissors, Modern Art, Team Chooser, etc.
  • Adobe Premiere

After making the video, we were independent to choose a topic from the things that we want to learn more about and choose a small project to improve our skill by finding our own material to help us learn. The goal of doing this is to catch up, develop our skill and explore our own interest.

I chose Photoshop because that’s what I’m interested in. I photoshopped a transparent egg. I only used two photos to make that one egg and those photos are a flying bubble and an egg yolk. It is easy if you know how to do it. You can just cut the egg yolk out and place it in the middle of the bubble. Now the bubble is round, let’s make the bubble into the egg shape. You might see the shadow in the bubble, so what you have to do is change the kind of layer into Multiple layer for both the bubble and the egg. See? It is finished. My another product is me diving with a dolphin. You need a picture of the ocean with the dolphin jumping, then you can just cut the photo of yourself diving into the water or the picture that you are about to touch the surface of the water. After that, you can add a png water splash picture somewhere around your legs to make it looks a bit more realistic. Below are the products that I’ve made. It’s not a very good one, but I’m glad to share it with you.

Actually, I don’t feel like this photoshop is easy at all, but thank you so much to the resources that helped me went through this very well. I really enjoyed doing this project because I can show people about what I can do, even though, it’s not that great. Do you want to try Photoshop now?


Round 4 of Multimedia

In multimedia class, we study about python coding just like the last round, but this round is much more fun because we got to practice our lesson by coding games. We also learn some new content such as function, list, list length, etc. Cindy, our multimedia facilitator, introduced us a new website that we can practice our skill. Not only that, the website is also where we have to do our assignment. The website is called Code Club Projects. There are many projects that you can do there. Plus, the website provides you with code instructions and fun challenges section that might interest you. One of our assignment is called Team Chooser. It is like a machine to randomly put people in teams. In government school, I never did something like that, so I feel very fortunate and grateful to do that assignment. Click here to try out the project. We also did a Code Club Independent Reflection. In that reflection, we have to choose one of the Code Club project. Those are –

Turtle Race!:

Secret Messages:

Colorful Creations:


Where is the Space Station?:

The project that I choose is Turtle race. It is really to code that game. In the game, there are a few turtles that will have to race. I didn’t code for which turtle to get to the line first. I code it randomly, so it’s depend on your luck.

Coding is still a hard topic for me, but I believe that one day, it will be easy for me.


Multimedia Round#4

In multimedia class, we study about python coding just like the last round, but this round is much more fun because we got to practice our lesson by coding games. We also learn some new content such as function, list, list length, etc. Cindy, our multimedia facilitator, introduced us a new website that we can practice our skill. Not only that, the website is also where we have to do our assignment. The website is called Code Club Projects. There are many projects that you can do there. Plus, the website provides you with code instructions and fun challenges section that might interest you. One of our assignment is called Team Chooser. It is like a machine to randomly put people in teams. In government school, I never did something like that, so I feel very fortunate and grateful to do that assignment. Click here to try out the project. We also did a Code Club Independent Reflection. In that reflection, we have to choose one of the Code Club project. Those are –

Turtle Race!:

Secret Messages:

Colorful Creations:


Where is the Space Station?:

The project that I choose is Turtle race. It is really to code that game. In the game, there are a few turtles that will have to race. I didn’t code for which turtle to get to the line first. I code it randomly, so it’s depend on your luck.

Coding is still a hard topic for me, but I believe that one day, it will be easy for me.